

The Web is continuing to develop from a medium for publishing textual documents into a medium for sharing structured data. In 2011, the Web of Linked Data grew to a size of about 32 billion RDF triples, with contributions coming increasingly from companies, governments and other public sector bodies such as libraries, statistical bodies or environmental agencies. In parallel, Google, Yahoo and Bing have established the initiative, a shared set of schemata for publishing structured data on the Web that focuses on vocabulary agreement and low barriers of entry for data publishers. These developments create a positive feedback loop for data publishers and highlight new opportunities for commercial exploitation of Web data.

In this context, the LDOW2012 workshop provides a forum for presenting the latest research on Linked Data and driving forward the research agenda in this area. We expect submissions that discuss the deployment of Linked Data in different application domains and explore the motivation, value proposition and business models behind these deployments, especially in relation to complementary and alternative techniques for data provision (e.g. Web APIs, Microdata, Microformats) and proprietary data sharing platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, LastFM).

Important Dates


The timing for presentations and breaks at LDOW2012 is shown below.


Session 1: Interoperablity

Session 2: Distribution and Heterogeneity

Session 3: Linked Data In-Use

Session 4: Empirical Analysis

Panel Discussion

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:

Linked Data Deployment Linked Data and alternative Data Provisioning and Sharing Techniques Linked Data Infrastructure


We seek the following kinds of submissions:

  1. Full scientific papers: up to 10 pages in ACM format
  2. Short scientific and position papers: up to 5 pages in ACM format

Submissions must be formatted using the ACM SIG template (as per the WWW2012 Research Track) available at Please note that the author list does not need to be anonymized, as we do not operate a double-blind review process. Submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three independent reviewers. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and included in the workshop proceedings. At least one author of each paper is expected to register for the workshop and attend to present the paper.

Please submit papers via EasyChair at


Accepted paper will be made available to all via this site and published online as a volume of the CEUR series of workshop proceedings.

Organising Committee

Programme Committee

Additional Reviewers

Contact Information

For further information about the workshop, please contact the workshops chairs at: ldow2012 @ events . linkeddata . org

Previous Workshops