- 2015-08-02: The proceedings of the workshop have been published as CEUR-WS Vol. 1409: LDOW 2015 - Linked Data on the Web.
- 2015-05-19: The LDOW2015 workshop was attended by around 60 participants. The slides of the presentations are available for download below. Lots of thanks to the presenters as well as all members of the programme committee for making the workshop another success.
- 2015-04-23: The workshop programme and the accepted papers are online. Please see below for the timing of presentations at the workshop.
- 2015-03-31: 12 out of 21 submissions were accepted for presentation at the workshop. We congratulate the authors of the papers and thank all members of the program committee a lot for their timely reviews and committed discussions on the papers.
- 2015-03-15: We have received 21 submissions for the LDOW2015 workshop which are currently being reviewed by the programme committee.
- 2015-02-03: The online submission system has been opened for submitting papers to the workshop.
- 2014-12-02: The Call for Papers of the LDOW2015 workshop has been published.
The Web is continuing to develop from a medium for publishing textual documents into a medium for sharing structured data. In 2014, the Web of Linked Data grew to a size of about 1000 datasets with contributions coming from companies, governments and other public sector bodies such as libraries, statistical bodies or research institutions. In parallel, the initiative has found increasing adoption with large numbers of websites semantically marking up the content of their HTML pages.
The 8th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2015) aims to stimulate discussion and further research into the challenges of publishing, consuming, and integrating structured data from the Web as well as mining knowledge from the global Web of Data. In addition to its traditional focus on open web data, the special focus of this year’s LDOW workshop will be the application of Linked Data technologies in enterprise settings as well as the potentials of interlinking closed enterprise data with open data from the Web.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: 15 March, 2015 (23:59 Pacific Time)
- Notification of acceptance: 6 April, 2015
- Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: 20 April, 2015
- Workshop date: 19 May, 2015
The timing for presentations and breaks at LDOW2015 is shown below.
Session 1: Understanding Web Data
Workshop Introduction
Christian Bizer,
Tom Heath,
Sören Auer
Fixing Domain and Range of Properties in Linked Data by Context Disambiguation
Alberto Tonon
Michele Catasta
Gianluca Demartini
Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
Rule Mining for Semantifying Wikilinks
Luis Galárraga
Danai Symeonidou
Jean-Claude Moissinac
Towards Automatic Topical Classification of LOD Datasets
Robert Meusel
Blerina Spahiu
Christian Bizer
Heiko Paulheim
Interlinking: Performance Assessment of User Evaluation vs. Supervised Learning Approaches
Mofeed Hassan
Jens Lehmann
Axel-C. Ngonga Ngomo
Coffee Break
Session 2: Visualization and Exploration
DBpedia Atlas: Mapping the Uncharted Lands of Linked Data
Fabio Valsecchi
Matteo Abrate
Clara Bacciu
Maurizio Tesconi
Andrea Marchetti
Keyword-Based Navigation and Search over the Linked Data Web
Luca Matteis
Aidan Hogan
Roberto Navigli
Uduvudu: a Graph-Aware and Adaptive UI Engine for Linked Data
Michael Luggen
Adrian Gschwend
Anrig Bernhard
Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
Use Cases for Linked Data Visualization Model
Jakub Klímek
Jiří Helmich
Martin Nečaský
Session 3: Infrastructure and Applications
Simplified RDB2RDF Mapping
Claus Stadler
Joerg Unbehauen
Patrick Westphal
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif
Jens Lehmann
ESCO: Towards a Semantic Web for the European Labor Market
Johan De Smedt
Martin Le Vrang
Agissilaos Papantoniou
Bringing Agility into Linked Data Development: An Industrial Use Case in Logistics Domain
Pinar Gocebe
Oguz Dikenelli
Nuri Umut Kose
Normalizing Resource Identifiers using Lexicons in the Global Change Information System
Brian Duggan
Curt Tilmes
Steve Aulenbach
Robert Wolfe
Justin Goldstein
Gerald Manipon
Session 4: Open Discussion
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:
Linked Enterprise Data
- role of Linked Data within enterprise applications (e.g. ERP, SCM, CRM)
- integration of SOA and Linked Data approaches in joint frameworks
- authentication, security and access control approaches for Linked Enterprise Data
- use cases combining closed enterprise data with open data from the Web
Mining the Web of Data
- large-scale derivation of implicit knowledge from the Web of Data
- using the Web of Data as background knowledge in data mining
Integrating Large Numbers of Linked Data Sources
- linking algorithms and heuristics, identity resolution
- schema matching and clustering
- data fusion
- evaluation of linking, schema matching and data fusion methods
Quality Assessment, Provenance Tracking and Licensing
- evaluating quality and trustworthiness of Web data
- profiling and change tracking of Web data sources
- tracking provenance and usage of Web data
- licensing issues in Linked Data publishing
Linked Data Applications
- application showcases including browsers and search engines
- marketplaces, aggregators and indexes for Web data
- visualization and exploration of Web data
- business models for Linked Data publishing and consumption
- Linked Data applications for life-sciences, digital humanities, social sciences etc.
We seek the following kinds of submissions:
- Full scientific papers: up to 10 pages in ACM format
- Short scientific and position papers: up to 5 pages in ACM format
Submissions must be formatted using the ACM SIG template (as per the WWW2015 Research Track) available at
Please note that the author list does not need to be anonymized, as we do not operate a double-blind review process. Submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three independent reviewers. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and included in the workshop proceedings. At least one author of each paper is expected to register for the workshop and attend to present the paper.
Accepted paper will be made available one this website and be published as a volume of the CEUR series of workshop proceedings.
Organising Committee
Programme Committee
Ali Khalili, University of Leipzig, Germany
Andreas Harth, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Bernhard Schandl,, Austria
Claudia Müller-Birn, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Dimitris Kontokostas, University of Leipzig, Germany
Erik Wilde, School of Information UC Berkeley, USA
Felix Naumann, Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam, Germany
Gong Cheng, Nanjing University, China
Gregory Williams, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Gunnar Grimnes, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
Haklae Kim, Samsung Electronics, Korea
Hannes Mühleisen, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Netherlands
Harald Sack, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Germany
Heiko Paulheim, University of Mannheim, Germany
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Ian Dickinson, Epimorphics, UK
José Todesco, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Jun Zhao, Oxford University, UK
Kai Eckert, University of Mannheim, Germany
Leigh Dodds, Freelance Technologist, UK
Li Ding, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., USA
Mathieu d'Aquin, KMi, The Open University, UK
Michael K. Bergman, Structured Dynamics LLC, USA
Oktie Hassanzadeh, IBM T.J. Watson Research, USA
Raphael Troncy, EURECOM, France
Richard Cyganiak, DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland
Roger Menday, Fujitsu, UK
Thomas Steiner, Google, Germany
Yuzhong Qu, Nanjing University, China
Contact Information
For further information about the workshop, please contact the workshops chairs at:
ldow2014 @ events . linkeddata . org
Previous Workshops