- 2009-11-17: The LDOW2009 Proceedings are now online as CEUR-WS Vol-538.
- 2009-04-19: There will be a Linked Data gathering/workshop dinner after the LDOW2009 workshop, with drinks sponsored by The Guardian. Everyone is welcome; please sign up at the ESW Wiki by 1pm on Monday 20th April if you would like to join us.
- 2009-03-16: 21 out of the 34 submissions were accepted for presentation at the workshop. Congratulations to the authors and lots of thanks to the members of the LDOW programme committee for all their reviewing work!
- 2009-02-12: The workshop has received 34 submissions. Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their papers on March 3rd 2009.
- 2009-02-07: Due to multiple requests, the submission deadline has been extended to February 10th 2009, 23.59 CET.
The Web is increasingly understood as a global information space consisting not just of linked documents, but also of linked data. More than just a vision, the Web of Data has been brought into being by the maturing of the Semantic Web technology stack, and by the publication of an increasing number of datasets according to the principles of Linked Data. Today, this emerging Web of Data includes data sets as extensive and diverse as DBpedia, Geonames, US Census, EuroStat, MusicBrainz, BBC Programmes, Flickr, DBLP, PubMed, UniProt, FOAF, SIOC, OpenCyc, UMBEL and Yago. The availability of these and many other data sets has paved the way for an increasing number of applications that build on Linked Data, support services designed to reduce the complexity of integrating heterogeneous data from distributed sources, as well as new business opportunities for start-up companies in this space.
Building on the success of last year's LDOW workshop at WWW2008 in Beijing, the LDOW2009 workshop aims to provide a forum for presenting the latest research on Linked Data and drive forward the research agenda in this area. While last year's workshop focused on the publication of Linked Data, this year's workshop will focus on Linked Data application architectures, linking algorithms and Web data fusion.
Use the links below to view individual papers, or download all papers (ZIP file, 14.1 MB). The exact timing and the length of the slots may still change. So please check again shortly before the workshop.
Session 1: Linked Data Application Architectures
Session 2: Applying Linked Data in different Domains
- 11:30-11:50:
Interlinking Distributed Social Graphs (Matthew Rowe)
- 11:50-12:10:
Publishing XBRL as Linked Open Data (Roberto Garcia, Rosa Gil)
- 12:10-12:30:
Bringing the "Thesaurus for Economics" on to the Web of Linked Data (Joachim Neubert)
- 12:30-12:50:
Adding eScience Assets to the Data Web (Herbert Van de Sompel, Carl Lagoze, Michael Nelson, Simeon Warner, Robert Sanderson, Pete Johnston)
- 12:50-13:10:
Enabling Tailored Therapeutics with Linked Data (Anja Jentzsch, Oktie Hassanzadeh, Chris Bizer, Bo Andersson, Susie Stephens)
- 13:10-14:30: Lunch
Session 3: Data Linking and Fusion
Session 4: Describing Data on the Web
- 16:30-16:50:
A Query-Driven Characterization of Linked Data (Harry Halpin)
- 16:50-17:10:
Interlinking Multimedia: How to Apply Linked Data Principles to Multimedia Fragments (Michael Hausenblas, Raphael Troncy, Tobias Buerger, Yves Raimond)
- 17:10-17:30:
Provenance Information in the Web of Data (Olaf Hartig)
- 17:30-17:50:
An Ontology of Resources for Linked Data (Harry Halpin, Valentina Presutti)
- 17:50-18:10:
Describing Linked Datasets (Keith Alexander, Richard Cyganiak, Michael Hausenblas, Jun Zhao)
- 18:10-18:30:
DING! Dataset Ranking using Formal Descriptions (Nickolai Toupikov, Juergen Umbrich, Renaud Delbru, Michael Hausenblas, Giovanni Tummarello)
- 18:30: Close
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:
Data Linking and Fusion
- linking algorithms and heuristics, identity resolution
- Web data integration and data fusion
- evaluating quality and trustworthiness of Linked Data
Linked Data Application Architectures
- crawling, caching and querying Linked Data on the Web; optimizations, performance
- Linked Data browsers, search engines
- applications that exploit distributed Web datasets
Data Publishing
- tools for publishing large data sources as Linked Data on the Web (e.g. relational databases, XML repositories)
- embedding data into classic Web documents (e.g. GRDDL, RDFa, Microformats)
- licensing and provenance tracking issues in Linked Data publishing
- business models for Linked Data publishing and consumption
We seek three kinds of submissions:
- Full technical papers: up to 10 pages in ACM format
- Short technical and position papers: up to 5 pages in ACM format
- Demo description: up to 2 pages in ACM format
Submissions must be formatted using the WWW2009 templates available at
Submissions will be peer reviewed by three independent reviewers. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and included in the workshop proceedings.
Please submit your paper via EasyChair at
Proceedings will be published online at CEUR-WS.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: February 10th 2009, 23.59 CET (extended from February 7th 2009)
- Notification of acceptance: March 3rd 2009
- Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: March 9th 2009
- Workshop date: April 20th 2009
Organising Committee
Programme Committee
Alan Ruttenberg, Science Commons, USA
Andreas Harth, DERI, Ireland
Andy Seaborne, Hewlett Packard Labs, UK
Bernard Vatant, Mondeca, France
David Peterson, Boab Interactive, Australia
Denny Vrandecic, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Eyal Oren, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
Frederick Giasson, Structured Dynamics, Canada
Georgi Kobilarov, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Giovanni Tummarello, DERI Galway, Ireland
Gong Cheng, Southeast University, China
Harith Alani, University of Southampton, UK
Harry Halpin, University of Edinburgh, UK
Hugh Glaser, University of Southampton, UK
Ian Davis, Talis, UK
Ivan Herman, World Wide Web Consortium, USA
Jamie Taylor, Metaweb, USA
Jim Hendler, RPI, USA
Jonathan Gray, Open Knowledge Foundation, UK
Jun Zhao, Oxford University, UK
Juan Sequeda, UT Austin, USA
Knud Moeller, DERI Galway, Ireland
Mariano Consens, University of Toronto, Canada
Martin Hepp, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Mathieu d'Aquin, The Open University, UK
Michael Bergman, Structured Dynamics, USA
Michael Hausenblas, DERI, Ireland
Michiel Hildebrand, CWI, Netherlands
Mischa Tuffield, Garlik, UK
Oktie Hassanzadeh, University of Toronto, Canada
Olaf Hartig, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Orri Erling, OpenLink Software, Netherlands
Paul Miller, Talis, UK
Patrick Sinclair, BBC, UK
Peter Ansell, Queensland Institute of Technology, Australia
Peter Mika, Yahoo Research, Spain
Peter Murray-Rust, Cambridge University, UK
Raphael Troncy, CWI, Netherlands
Richard Cyganiak, DERI Galway, Ireland
Rob Styles, Talis, UK
Simon Schenk, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Soeren Auer, University of Leipzig, Germany
Susie Stephens, Eli Lilly and Company, USA
Yuzhong Qu, Southeast University, China
Yves Raimond, BBC, UK
For further information about the workshop, please contact the workshops chairs at