

The Web has developed into a global information space consisting not just of linked documents, but also of linked data. More than just a vision, the resulting Web of Data has been brought into being by the maturing of the Semantic Web technology stack, and by the publication of large datasets according to the principles of Linked Data. To date, the Web of Data has grown to a size of roughly 13.1 billion RDF triples, with contributions coming increasingly from companies, government and public sector projects, as well as from individual Web enthusiasts. In addition to publishing and interlinking datasets, there is intensive work on Linked Data browsers, Web of Data search engines and other applications that consume Linked Data from the Web.
LDOW2010 follows the successful LDOW2008 workshop at WWW2008 in Beijing and the LDOW2009 workshop at WWW2009 in Madrid. As the publication of Linked Data on the Web continues apace, the need becomes more pressing for principled research in the areas of user interfaces for the Web of Data as well as on issues of quality, trust and provenance in Linked Data. We also expect to see a number of submissions related to current areas of high Linked Data activity, such as government transparency, life sciences and the media industry. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for exposing high quality, novel research and applications in these (and related) areas. In addition, by bringing together researchers in this field, we expect the event to further shape the ongoing Linked Data research agenda.


Use the links below to view individual papers, or download all papers (ZIP file, 14.1 MB). The exact timing and the length of the slots may still change. So please check again shortly before the workshop.


Session 1: Linked Data Publishing

Session 2: Data Linking

Session 3: Infrastructure and Architectures

Session 4: Governmental Data

Session 5: Linked Data Applications

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:

Linked Data Application Architectures Data Linking and Data Fusion Quality, Trust and Provenance in Linked Data User Interfaces for the Web of Data Data Publishing Business models for Linked Data publishing and consumption


We seek three kinds of submissions:

Submissions must be formatted using the WWW2010 templates available at We note that the author list does not need to be anonymized, as we we do not have a double-blind review process in place.

Submissions will be peer reviewed by three independent reviewers. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and included in the workshop proceedings.

Please submit your paper via EasyChair at


Proceedings are published online at CEUR-WS Vol-628.

Important Dates

Organising Committee

Programme Committee


For further information about the workshop, please contact the workshops chairs at